Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Themes Relating To Good Versus Evil In Billy Budd Essay Paper Example For Students

Themes Relating To Good Versus Evil In Billy Budd Essay Paper Many themes relating to the conflict between Good and Evil can befound in Herman Melvilles novella Billy Budd, Foretopman. First originatingas a poem about a middle-aged man on the eve of his execution, Billy Buddis the only true work of fiction written by Melville (Bloom, Critical Views198). The idea for the novella was probably suggested in part by an incidentin 1842 in which a midshipman and two seamen of the American brig Somerswere hanged at sea for mutiny (Voss 44). Although it remained unpublishedfor until almost half a century after Melvilles death, Billy Budd quicklybecame one of his most popular works (Bloom, Critical Views 198). Perhaps one of the most widely recognized themes in Billy Budd is thecorruption of innocence by society (Gilmore 18). Society in Billy Budd isrepresented by an eighteenth century English man-of-war, the H.M.S. Bellipotent. Billy, who represents innocence, is a young seaman of twenty-onewho is endowed with physical strength, beauty, and good nature (Voss 44). A crew member aboard the merchant ship Rights of Man, Billy is impressedby the English navy and is taken aboard the H.M.S. Bellipotent. As heboards the H.M.S. Bellipotent, he calmly utters, Goodbye, Rights of Man, afarewell to his ship and crewmates. However, this farewell is not only meantfor his ship, but for his actual rights as well, the rights that would have kepthim innocent until proven guilty under a normal society (Gilmore 18). Thesociety represented by the H.M.S. Bellipotent is much different from that ofthe outside world, as the various laws and regulations in effect during warturn a civilized society into more of a primitive state. The rights that arefought for during war were no longer possessed by the men on board theBellipotent in an attempt to keep order as best as possible (Gilmore 18). Billy was impressed by the English navy because of a need for goodsailors. The Rights of Man cannot survive in the war-torn waters of theocean without the protection of the Bellipotent, and the Bellipotent cannotprotect the Rights of Man if it does not impress sailors (Tucker 248). On theH.M.S. Bellipotent, Billy faces destruction from a force which he does not andcannot comprehend (Gilmore 18). Billy was snatched from a safe berthaboard the Rights of Man so that he could be made into an example, whichwould hopefully suppress the primitive instinct to rebel in the other crewmembers (Tucker 248). He lacks the sophistication and experience to rollwith the punches, forcing him to succumb to this hostile society. Unlike theshifting keel of the ship, he cannot lean both ways, one way toward hisnatural innocence and trustfulness and the other toward the evil and conspiracyin society, causing him to break apart and sink (Gilmore 18). It can also beinterpreted that Billy is the true civilize r, for while the war in which theH.M.S. Bellipotent fights is a product of what passes for civilization, Billy isthe maker of peace (Gilmore 65). Another theme that critics feel is present in Billy Budd is that of theimpersonality and brutality of the modern state. Billy was taken from a safeand protected environment on the Rights of Man and placed in a new, hostilesetting, one which he was not prepared for and could not conform to. Onceone of the strongest and most respected crew members on the Rights of Man,he was no longer regarded as such on the H.M.S. Bellipotent (Bloom, CriticalViews 211). However, his innocence and trustfulness remained with him,causing the crew to regard him as being more of a noble man, rather than thepowerful man that he was on the Rights of Man. While most of the crew admired Billy for these qualities, JohnClaggart, Master-at-Arms for the H.M.S. Bellipotent, regards Billy withjealousy and malice (Gilmore 24). Critics have described Claggart as theepitome of evil, residing on the periphery of order, and serving as bothtempter and destroyer (Bloom, Critical Views 207). He has been compared byMelville to Tecumseh and Titus Oates, and with his background beingunknown, Melville makes his character appear even more evil to the reader(Bloom, Critical Views 207). Ironically, Claggarts strength resides in his jobas the shipboard peacekeeper. However, when his evil side takes control, itcauses him to rear up like a coiled snake, ready to strike out at goodness(Gilmore 24). When Billy becomes part of the H.M.S. Bellipotents crew, Claggartsjealousy and malice causes his evil side to take control. In an attempt todestroy Billys image of innocence and peacefulness, Claggart approachesCaptain Vere and accuses Billy of attempted mutiny. Understandibly surprisedat the accusation, Vere calls Billy and Claggart before him in order toquestion both sides. Billy, being afflicted by a stammer which prevents himfrom speaking when excited, involuntarily strikes Claggart when he learns ofthe false accusations, killing him instantly in the presence of Captain Vere(Voss 44). TIMELINE of the Atomic Bomb. EssayMelville goes on to imply that society does not know how todifferentiate true good from evil. The law and society has not yet learnedhow to deal with man as a flawed individual. The laws insanity is like thatearlier attributed to Claggart: although apparently subject to reason, it is deeplyirrational. In Billys case, the law is unable to distinguish the human beingfrom his act (Gilmore 63). Billys death had a profound impact on the crew of the H.M.S. Bellipotent. Many members of the crew respected the good that Billy stoodfor and felt that he should not have been executed for his crime, as did Vere. Billy becomes a martyr for the crew of the Bellipotent they continue toremember and to uphold the lessons learned from his character. Pieces of themast from which he was hanged are saved and cherished like pieces of thecross would be cherished by devout Christians (Van Doren 617). The menthat witnessed Billys execution remembered the event as one of historys mosttragic days for the rest of their lives. And, on his deathbed, even strongCaptain Vere displayed his affection for Billy and the impact that he had onhis life with his dying words, Billy Budd, Billy Budd. (Gilmore 23)Works CitedBilly Budd. Billy Budd Electronic Encyclopedia. 1994 ed. Bloom, Harold. The Chelsea House Library of Literary Criticism. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, 1989. Bloom, Harold. Modern Critical Views of Herman Melville. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, 1986. Foster, Edward, ed. Six American Novelists of the Nineteenth Century. Minneapolis: University of Minneapolis Press, 1968. Gilmore, Michael T., ed. Twentieth Century Interpretations of Billy Budd. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc., 1971. Tucker, Martin, ed. Moultons Library of Literary Criticism of English andAmerican Authors. 4 vols. New York: Frederick Ungar PublishingCo., 1966. Van Doren, Carl. The American Novel. New York: The MacmillianCompany, 1968. Voss, Authur. The American Short Story. Norman, Oklahoma: University ofOklahoma Press, 1973.

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